For training call:
Jacob Hartley 435-669-3564
Craig Harrison 435-817-1921
Saint George Paramotor’s
‘Learn to Fly’
Membership and Paramotor Training.
Due to a wonderful high-desert climate and a fantastic prehistoric landscape, training in beautiful southern Utah can be spectacular virtually any time of the year. Saint George Paramotor membership offers classroom education, equipment orientation and exploring your safe flying options. Choosing the right paramotor and wing is critical. Foot launching or wheeled flight is also an important consideration. As the industry grows in popularity, options are expanding exponentially! People fly for different reasons and with different physical capabilities…some being age related. Don’t be discouraged. Your training and equipment selections should fit your goals rather than a school with an agenda squeezing the students into their ‘mold’. We recommend working closely with Saint George Paramotor Club members in selecting gear.
Saint George Paramotor offers comprehensive ground, foot launch and wheeled paramotor training in the most beautiful part of southern Utah. We recommend going to our Saint George Paramotor youtube channel and see what we are talking about!
Many training programs train on the coast with that consistent coastal breeze and thick sea level air. Then the student goes home and discovers the ‘flying at altitude’ without an instructor shock! Things are really different flying at altitude and many expensive mistakes are made that get new flyers either hurt or discouraged. Each incident, whether it be a botched launch, hard landing or catching a line in a prop, can be expensive and frustrating. It can only be a small thing but each one means ‘down time’ and extra unwanted expense. Having experienced that scenario, members have found the more time that went by without flying, the less confident they became. And of course the lack of confidence caused even more mistakes! The answer is our ‘at altitude training’. It is helpful in overcoming the shock when you go home and fly.
Membership Options:
Option 1:
$350/day Day-to-day training local ground. This option is for paraglider pilots who want to transition over to powered paragliding or those who want to test out the waters to see if paramotoring is right for them before fully committing to the lifetime membership and buying gear. 4 hour minimum time per day weather permitting. If we have not met our goals for the day or there is inclement weather causing a shorter than 4 hour day, credit will carry over. Students can use the school gear during daily training.

Option 2:
$3,500 Lifetime membership (with a $1,000 discount when you buy your gear through us): (Most Popular and best value!) Free follow up training and use of school equipment. Come back and get refresher training, winch flights or transition into trike training any time. Once the student has their own gear, this package includes everything above plus multiple flights with guided tours and ground support with the instructors at no extra cost.
$2,500 with gear purchase

$3,500 without gear purchase. Includes school gear rental

For out of towners we provide FREE housing for your convenience.
The great benefit training in Southern Utah is YEAR AROUND flying. The hotter times of the year demands that we fly in the mornings and evenings due to mid-day thermals. The cooler season allows us to fly during the middle of the day. However, there are situations where it is necessary to extend the days in order to finish the activities due to inclement conditions. With our no-refund payment up front membership policy, we do everything to accommodate the everyone’s schedule. If the weather interrupts the class, we will pick up the activity as soon as weather permits. You will never lose the credit for which you have paid..
The following items will be covered in the training:
1. Review and understanding of the equipment.
2. Review of the various parts of the paraglider, what they do, and why.
3. Learn how to put the harness on, make adjustments for comfort, and proper usage for maximum safety.
4. Proper reverse wing launch and techniques for handling higher wind conditions (5 to 10-mph).
5. Proper forward launch techniques for zero or low-wind conditions (0 to 5 mph).
6. Beginner ground handling of the wing covers proper inflation and learning to control both brake toggles.
7. Control of the wing while starting in a reverse position and turning to the forward launch position.
8. Multiple advanced ground handling techniques such as: high wind launches, low wind launches, ground handling without a harness, weight shift ground handling, fast deflation of the wing, safety techniques, and upside down inflation to clean debris from the wing’s cells.
9. Reverse launches simulated without engine.
10. Forward launches simulated without engine
11. Engine on back ground handling
12. How to properly get into the harness while in flight, and various in-flight weight shift steering techniques.
13. Complete discussion of first solo flight, launch technique, flight course directions to follow, throttle adjustments, making turns, and landing procedures.
14. Preflight safety inspections and warming up the engine properly.
15. Unpredictable conditions or situations, and how to handle them safely.
16. Multiple flights and touch-n-go’s to reach the goal of flying without instructor’s assistance.
17. Basic engine maintenance, oil gas mixtures, spark plug gaps, cleaning of engine etc.
18. Basic wing maintenance, folding, storing, and methods of care.
19. Discussion of when and where to fly safely, including a review of part 103 of the FAA regulation pertaining to Powered Paragliding.
20. Review of the various equipment options available on the market.
The great variable in training is the weather. The hotter times of the year demands that we fly in the mornings and evenings due to thermals. The cooler season allows us to fly during the middle of the day. Southern Utah is famous for its good weather and usually we can complete training on schedule. However, there are situations where it is necessary to extend the days in order to finish the training due to inclement conditions. With our up front no-refund payment policy, we do everything to accommodate the student’s schedule to complete their training.
To start training call
Jacob Hartley 435-669-3564
Craig Harrison 435-817-1921