SGP would like to invite you and your group to ULTIMATE PARAMOTOR PILOT TOURS IN SAINT GEORGE, UTAH.
“I have flown on the east coast, west coast, southern coast…Mexico, etc. and always say that nothing is better than flying in the southern Utah area. We have the most spectacular lava fields, rivers, reservoirs and beaches, dinosaur tracks, ancient Indian pictographic, breathtaking cliffs and land formations to soar, sand dunes, high mountains, volcanoes and lots of wildlife to see. There really is nothing like it.”
One of the greatest advantages of this area is we fly year around from a designated LZ that the city has given their blessing for us to use! It’s always better, and safer to fly with someone very familiar to the area and with ground support, just in case. Come join us! (435) 817-1921. There are 8 designated tours that last around 90 minutes each. We provide a tour guide, communication, a LZ with facilities and ground support. Individual tours cost $100 per pilot. Group rates will be $100 for the first pilot in the group and $50 per additional pilot.